Eighteen months into the pandemic and I’m still waiting

2 min readAug 1, 2021
Source: Dominik Inmann on Unsplash

Eighteen months into the pandemic and I’m still waiting

Waiting to meet my family again; fantasising about the tight, warm, possibly tearful hugs;
Waiting to go on adventures again; dreaming of gazing at lakes, bathing in waterfalls and breathing in cool mountain air;
Waiting to see, hear, feel, smell and taste things that are not what I’ve seen, heard, smelt, felt and tasted;

For the past eighteen months.

Do you ever think about how waiting takes up energy?
The will to keep going takes up energy;
Hope and optimism take up energy;
Not knowing takes up energy.

So it’s no surprise that I’m tired; people are tired;
I know that some are more tired than others;
And I know that there are many who are more tired than I am;
But that doesn’t mean that I am not tired.

So if you ask me what I have accomplished this year;
There is not a long list of things that I could tell you;
But that is only because I have been waiting;
And God knows I have been waiting successfully;
Working, doing my chores, taking care of myself and those around me; dutiful and…




I work in talent acquisition and enjoy writing by the side.